Photo Credit: @justmebreathing
Let’s say you just downloaded a stock photo of a person playing a guitar in front of a bicycle.
You plan to use this image on a website ... or just keep it around, because it’s pretty neat.
It hangs out in your ~/Downloads
folder for a couple days before many of you will move it to a Stock Photos
If you’re organized (like some of us), you may even have subfolders. Something like:
... but what if the photo has all three?
You might copy the photo 3 times, wasting disk space and creating an organization nightmare.
Or you might just roll your chances and choose a folder.
You may create a new folder People, Music, Vehicles
... and end up with just one photo in that folder, forever.
Regardless of your approach above, you can see why any of this is not ideal.
, bicycle
, and guitar