What is Raster?

Raster is a digital asset manager for modern teams, saving time organizing, editing, and hosting photography.

To get started, ensure you have an account or sign up for a free one at https://raster.app.

Preparing to Use the Raster App in Contentful

Before using the app in Contentful an API key is needed, along with your Organization’s ID.

Getting the Organization ID

To use the Raster app in Contentful, an Organization ID is required. You can get the Organization ID by navigating to Organization name > Settings. The Organization ID is the slug found after the raster.app URL.

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Similar to a required Organization ID, the Raster app in Contentful also needs an API Key. You can set up the API key and enable library level access by navigating to Organization name > Settings.

To enable APIs, follow these steps:

  1. Generate a new key.
  2. Enable Read access for the libraries you want to access via the API key.
  3. Save your changes.

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